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Our Portfolio Ventures

Dr Vinay Nair
Founder & CEO

Building engaging experiences through powerful AI and investment-driven personalization.

• Primary Office: Boulder – Colorado, USA
• CEO/Founder: Vinay Nair
• Embedded Finance Theme One
• Domain/Sector/Vertical: ML, SaaS, Embedded Finance via WealthTech and Asset Management, Super Apps, Investment Science, Robo Advisory, Fund Services, Digital Marketing, Distribution, Investment Research Tech
• B8 Ventures Investor since June 2021
• B8 Ventures follow-on: Yes
• B8 Ventures involvement (current/previous): Board
• Lead/Key Investor(s): B8 Ventures (through several SPVs) Vinay Nair, Franklin Templeton, J.P. Morgan Asset Management, Morningstar, Broadridge, Motive Partners, Hamilton Lane
• Number of Employees: Greater than 150
Alex Mans
Founder & CEO

The Revenue Operating System for Travel and Transportation.

• Primary Office: California, USA
• CEO/Founder: Alex Mans
• Embedded Finance Theme Two
• Domain/Sector/Vertical: AI, SaaS, Embedded Finance via Revenue Optimisation, Digital Transformation for Aviation and Hospitality.
• B8 Ventures Investor since June 2021
• B8 Ventures follow-on: Yes
• B8 Ventures involvement (current/previous): Advisory Level
• Lead/Key Investors: B8 Ventures through several SPVs, WestCap, Peter Thiel, Silver Lake Partners, JetBlue Technology Partners
• Number of Employees: Greater than 250
Oz Alashe
Founder & CEO

Influence Specific Security Behaviors; Measure and Reduce Risk.

• Primary Office: London, UK
• CEO/Founder: Oz Alashe
• Embedded Finance Theme Two
• Domain/Sector/Vertical: SaaS, SA&T (security awareness and training), Cybersecurity, Behavioural Science and Data Analytics
• B8 Ventures Investor since December 2020
• B8 Ventures follow-on: Yes
• B8 Ventures involvement: Board
• Lead/Key Investor(s): B8 Ventures (through several SPVs), Evolution Equity Partners, Emerald Development Managers, IQ Capital and Hannover Digital Investments (HDI) GmbH.
• Number of Employees: Greater than 25
Bassel El Koussa
Co-Founder & CEO

A LaaS Providing Fast Delivery Solution to e-Commerce Players.

• Primary Office: Dubai, UAE
• CEO/Founder: Bassel El Koussa
• Embedded Finance Theme Three
• Domain/Sector/Vertical: ML, Last Mile Delivery, e-commerce Delivery Services, Logistics as a Service, B2B, Business/Productivity Software and Information Services
• Lead/Key Investor(s): (B8 Ventures through several SPVs), Delivery Hero, Cedar Mundi, JOBI Capital and Transmed.
• B8 Ventures Investor since July 2021
• B8 Ventures follow-on: No
• B8 Ventures involvement (current/previous): Board
• Number of Employees: Greater than 50
Barmak Heshmat
Founder & CEO

Amplifying your visual experience with computers.

• Primary Office: Boulder – Colorado, USA
• CEO/Founder: Vinay Nair
• Embedded Finance Theme One
• Domain/Sector/Vertical: ML, SaaS, Embedded Finance via WealthTech and Asset Management, Super Apps, Investment Science, Robo Advisory, Fund Services, Digital Marketing, Distribution, Investment Research Tech
• B8 Ventures Investor since June 2021
• B8 Ventures follow-on: Yes
• B8 Ventures involvement (current/previous): Board
• Lead/Key Investor(s): B8 Ventures (through several SPVs) Vinay Nair, Franklin Templeton, J.P. Morgan Asset Management, Morningstar, Broadridge, Motive Partners, Hamilton Lane
• Number of Employees: Greater than 150
Alex Pascal
Founder & CEO

An all-in-one Coaching Enablement Platform™️
for professional coaching.

• Primary Office: California, USA
• CEO/Founder: Alex Pascal
• Embedded Finance Theme Three
• Domain/Sector/Vertical: ML, B2B, B2C, B2B2C, Coaching, EduTech, ML, Marketplace, SaaS,
• B8 Ventures Investor since January 2023
• B8 Ventures follow-on: No
• B8 Ventures involvement (current/previous): Board
• Lead/Key Investor(s): Alex Pascal, B8 Ventures (through several SPVs), The Ken Blanchard Companies and Development Dimensions International (DDI)
• Number of Employees: Greater than 25
Anubhav Saxena

A Generative AI-Powered Vision Platform used in Applications in the Cloud and as Edge AI.

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth.
Agustin Guilisasti
Founder & CEO

London's most sustainable shared micro-mobility company

• Primary Office: California, USA
• CEO/Founder: Barmak Heshmat
• Embedded Finance Theme Two
• Domain/Sector/Vertical: Ultra Reality Display, Metaverse, Plug & Play, Hardware
• B8 Ventures Investor since May 2022
• B8 Ventures follow-on: Yes
• B8 Ventures involvement: N/A
• Lead/Key Investor(s): B8 Ventures (through several SPVs), Lockheed Martin Ventures, MIT E14 Fund, LG Technology Ventures, Corning Incorporated, UDC Ventures, and Franklin Templeton
• Number of Employees: Greater than 25